Strengthen Your Bite With Our Implant Options

Your teeth have roots that help you eat foods without limitation and keep your jaw healthy. When you get dental implants, you are receiving artificial, titanium tooth roots that naturally fuse into your jawbone. They’ll become a natural part of your body that you won’t even notice once the healing process is complete. You’ll find several implant options:

  • A Single Crown with an Implant – You can get a single tooth replaced by pairing a dental crown with an implant.
  • Implant-Supported Dental Bridge – Replace several missing teeth in a row by anchoring a dental bridge to implants. Unlike a standard bridge, your dentist won’t have to reshape any healthy teeth.
  • Implant-Retained Dentures – This option secures your dentures to implants, but your replacement teeth are still removable.
  • Implant-Supported Dentures – Your dentures are anchored by implants and won’t be removable. You’ll take care of them just like natural teeth, with brushing and flossing. If needed, your dentist can remove them for additional maintenance.
  • All-on-4® Implants – This process uses four implants instead of the usual eight or more to secure a full arch of teeth. With fewer implants, it’s an easier procedure with a faster healing time.
  • Full Mouth Reconstruction – If you have widespread tooth loss and dental damage, your dentist can rebuild your smile. Implants will likely be part of that process.

If you have worn dentures or lived with tooth loss for a while, you may not have enough bone density in your jaw for implants. If that’s the case, we may recommend oral surgery procedures such as bone grafting, ridge augmentation, or a sinus lift.

We make you as comfortable as possible throughout your implant treatment. You’ll appreciate the TVs in our patient rooms. You’ll also benefit from advanced technology such as digital X-rays and digital scanners. It ensures a smoother appointment and more precise treatment. If you are nervous, you can receive dental sedation.

Call 830-251-5579 for an appointment. Feel confident about your smile again with dental implants in Pleasanton, TX. You can also request an appointment online.